Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Babies!!

Happy, happy birthday to our babies! It's hard to believe they're one year old. One thing about their birthday is that it will often fall on a holiday weekend--so we had three days to celebrate! Today, we opened presents then had fun playing with all of our new toys (inside and outside). Here are some pictures from our day!

What a sassy little one year old!

Daniel's been trying to convince the babies that they like being tossed in the air--Addison sometimes plays along.

Spud wants to play too!

Our little Dodgers fan, sitting atop his new scooter (one of their birthday gifts!).

Then, in a rite of passage for one-year-olds, the babies each got their own piece of cake. We had a birthday classic--funfetti cake with rainbow chip frosting. As you can see, the babies really like cake, though each of them took a different approach to eating their cake.

Addison thoughtfully went in with both hands...

And then went at it with both hands.

Jackson took a bit more of a methodical approach, eating the entire piece from the top down.

And then, being sufficiently covered in cake and frosting, we had extra long birthday baths!

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