Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jackson's Dismount

The babies are really good at getting down off of our bed--it's the same method we use for going down stairs, getting down off of curbs, and going down the slide at the park. We get onto our belly and our knees, turn around backwards, and climb on down. When she gets down off of the big bed in the morning, Addison is fast. She's usually saying PLAY as she bails over the side of the bed (and usually over me), and takes off for the bathroom to turn the water in the tub on and off (which they love to do), to hop in the shower and peek around the door (which they also love to do), or to head down the hallway to their bedroom. Jackson is a bit slower in his dismount--he'll dangle halfway off and say BYE, BYE, BYE (to Daniel, who is usually on the other side of the bed) for a good long while. Here he is, halfway off of the bed this morning, literally just hanging out. It was too cute to not take a picture!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kisses and Hugs

We are so lucky to have babies who give great kisses and hugs, and who give them to us liberally. Daddy was the lucky recipient during dinner this weekend--and just to give you an idea, here's what kisses and hugs from Addison and Jackson look like these days. OH HOW I LOVE those little open mouth kisses, and sweet little arms wrapped around my neck giving little squeezes, and heads burrowing into my neck for a cuddle.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bubble Baths!

With so much food in our hair after dinner on Saturday night, we needed serious baths--so we decided to have our first bubble baths! Addison LOVED it.

Jackson--loved it less. He didn't like those bubbles at all--so we quickly emptied the tub and started over with far fewer bubbles. For the rest of the bath, he was very focused on the water, and wouldn't hardly look up, let alone smile for me. Maybe next time we try a bubble bath, we'll start with fewer bubbles...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Food Hats (Or Something Like That)

Dinner was going so well tonight--I made homemade macaroni and cheese, Daniel grilled steaks--then the babies decided to try and wear dinner like a hat (meat, broccoli, bread, noodles, everything on their heads). Oh boy--what could you do, except laugh and snap a few pictures?

We had such serious faces, some leg tickling was in order.

Then we each had half of a chocolate chip cookie...delicious!

Friday, March 16, 2012


I have been working A LOT lately, so today Whitney and I took the babies to the Arboretum. It started to drizzle when we got there (dang it)--but we had a good time looking at the fishies in the pond, seeing all of the spring flowers in bloom, and running in all of the open space.

We were playing man-to-man defense, so Whitney and Jackson were running around, and I was following close behind Addison as we explored the gardens. As she was running (and I was chasing her), Addison caught the eye of a cute park ranger, who commented on her pretty smile and her quick speed. Well, Addison kept running, while craning her neck backward to keep on smiling at Mr. Park Ranger. Just as he was out of sight, she veered off course--she had been looking over her right shoulder, so she inadvertently ran to the right--and tripped at the edge of the sidewalk and took a spill. Of course, there wasn't anything 20 feet before where she fell, and there wasn't anything 20 feet after where she fell, but right where she fell there was a small lantern sticking up out of the ground--and she hit it squarely with her forehead. Young lady--you have to be more careful whilst running and smiling at boys!

Owwwie. But after a few tears, a little bit of rubbing it better, and a kiss or two from mommy, we took off running and exploring again!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daylight Savings

This past Sunday we switched to Daylight Savings time--the bad news was that we lost an hour, but the good news was that we got another hour of daylight to play outside with the babies at the end of the day! We didn't go to church on Sunday because Addison was recovering from a slight cold--but we did make it out front to play (and to try out mom's new camera lens).

Jackson's shy look (he uses this one a lot with the ladies).

My serious boys...

and my smiling boys.

There are a handful of kids that live in our development (a few other littles, but most ranging from ages 5 - 8), and a couple of them that are really good to Addison and Jackson and let them play along. Well, today a few of the girls were being a little bit sassy and one was hollering out of her window at two others playing outside. Jackson stood on the sidewalk, looked up at her window, and started yelling right back at her--and boy, did he let her have it...