Some people enjoy dinner and a movie on the weekends. But not us--at the Satterlee house, we have dinner and a bath every night, weekends included. So, while Aunt Casey was here, we decided to bring out my new camera (Happy Mother's Day to ME!!) and take some pictures of the babies. So here you have it: dinner and a bath, featuring Addison and Jackson. You'll have to forgive me, I think that every face these babies pull is the cutest face ever, so there are lots of pictures to follow--as such, I'm not sure I'm the one that should be editing what makes it on the blog!
Aunt Casey came to visit for the Memorial Day weekend, so we decided to take a trip to Annapolis--the babies first time there. We walked down Annapolis' main street and ate lunch at O'Brien's near the water. We don't eat out very often with the babies--in fact, I can probably count the number of times we have eaten out with them on one hand--but they were so good! Of course it helped to have an additional adult to help keep them entertained and keep their toys picked up--but we may have to venture out to eat more often. After lunch, we walked over to the Naval Academy, where Aunt Casey bought Jackson a hat and Addison a rubber ducky. Jackson was clearly none too pleased about his hat at this moment, but liked it a lot (especially for the chewing) once we got back to the air conditioned car. On our walk back to the car, Casey and I had delicious tangy frozen yogurt while Daniel ate a behemoth six scoops of Annapolis Ice Cream Company ice cream. Oh boy! Overall, a very good (very hot) day trip with the babes!
Last Saturday morning, I found Addison holding onto the side of her crib, on her knees, trying to stand up. She's sneaky like that. So, we spent part of the weekend lowering her crib mattress. And now we're going to have to drop Jackson's too. Here are some cute pictures of Jackson while we were adjusting cribs:
Not so sure about being stuck in his sister's pink crib... Looking like such a big boy, just hanging out and playing in his crib. J-man playing peek-a-boo. He has such handsome eyes. And while this picture isn't great, you can see pretty clearly Addison's two top teeth coming in--such a big girl! Although, sometimes these babies aren't sure what to make of all of those teeth in their mouths...