Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The babies had their one year check up with the doctor today. Overall, the doctor said they were in perfect health, and she correctly stated that we are just getting to a really fun age (although, she gave us repeated warnings about choking hazards--anything these kids find still goes right into their mouths!). Jackson is 30 inches tall (right at the 50th percentile) and weighs 21 lb, 12 oz (which puts him in the 30th percentile)--the only thing larger than average is his head, which is in the 80th percentile (but suits him and his curly hair perfectly). Addison is 30.5 inches tall (in the 85th percentile, and rubbing it in that she's taller than her brother) and weighs 20 lb 4 oz (in the 31st percentile). What's with my skinny babies?! The doctor was totally not concerned--she said that once babies start walking, they tend to thin out, and as long as they are eating lots of food and drinking lots of milk, we are fine.

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