Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A White Christmas!

We made it to Idaho (and Daniel to Oregon, where he went to visit his Aunt Ginny and Uncle Dick for a few days), and this afternoon the snow really started coming down--looks like we'll have a White Christmas after all! Hooray, I love it!!

Here are the kids trying out their new snowboots from Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Tom--they loved playing outside (though they did not love having snow blow up in their faces when they were getting pulled around on a sled), but they really love playing around in Grandma's kitchen. My mom has a stuffed moose hanging by the door, and it has a motion censor in it so that when anybody walks by it starts singing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" (truth time: it is rather obnoxious...). The thing is: the kids LOVE it--they cannot get enough of dancing to Mr. Moose. Every now and again, the adults need a break so we switch it off--but the minute it gets turned off, Jackson runs over to it and dances and waves his arms, then looks at us, wondering why it isn't singing since he's dancing in front of it.

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