Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ice Cream Cone Party

This past week might have been one of the longest work weeks ever. I hardly got to see Addison and Jackson Wednesday and Thursday, only for a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes at night. So lame.

While I was driving into work early Wednesday morning, I heard a news story about a little boy named Ryan. He's about the same age and Addison and Jackson, and has Down's Syndrome and a congenital heart condition--the doctors don't think he has much time left on this earth. When asked what people could do for them, Ryan's mom said there really wasn't anything they needed--but that people should go home and make a memory with their kids. She recommended, for dinner one night instead of the usual fare, putting a banana split in front of your kids and watching their faces.

Of course, I had tears running down my cheeks as I was driving to work, listening to this story. So, on my way home from the longest work week ever Friday afternoon, I stopped and bought some ice cream and ice cream cones, and we had an ice cream cone party yesterday. Just look at these two--they are so precious and adorable. We clearly had a fantastic time eating ice cream cones.

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