We are struggling with a name for our baby girl--that's not entirely true, the truth is that I am struggling with a name for our baby girl. Surprisingly, we were able to agree on our little boy's name--surprising, because we liked far fewer boys names than girls names. But it's the little girl that really has me stumped. I mean, we've narrowed it down to a handful of names--but I feel very strongly that her name has to be just right. It needs to be strong (but not too strong), and feminine (but not too feminine). Not too trendy, not too complicated, but not too plain or too common. Everyone says that you should make sure a little boy's name sounds presidential, to name him as though he could be a future President of the United States--but, for heaven's sake, I think hers should too! There's also the twin angle, where the names need to sound good both together and on their own. Tricky!! Their names are what these babies will be known by forever! So, I'm feeling lots of pressure to get it just right--and am hoping that when I take a look at their sweet faces, I will know for sure that the names we're thinking of are right.
In other news--
Daniel's quote of the week: Wow, your belly button really doesn't leave much to the imagination.
My boss' quote of the week: You look like you're about ready to calve. (one of the many joys of working in agriculture, being compared to livestock)
My co-worker's noteworthy quote: Stacey, you are huge. But you are blessed. Look at you, up and moving around like nothing's going on--but you're huge. (yes, thank you--I know both that I am really blessed, and that I am really huge)
My other co-worker's noteworthy comment:
Marlis: What fruit are the babies this week?
Me: They are the size of honeydews!
Marlis: Oh, I like honeydews...
(the rest of my officemates recommended that Marlis maybe not be the first to babysit our twins.)
All was well at our doctor's appointment yesterday. The twins' sizes again were lauded (in the 60th percentile, which evidently was noteworthy for twins), my blood pressure was good--even still, the doctor recommended more "bed rest" than "home rest" for the next two and a half weeks. We are getting so close to the end, and the babies are putting a lot of pressure on the escape hatch--so she said that laying down as much as possible for the next 2 - 3 weeks will help ensure these guys don't come pre-term. Then, after 36 weeks (which would put us to September 7), she said I don't have to worry about it so much (which I interpreted as START TAP DANCING AND TRAMPOLINE JUMPING!).
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
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