A fond farewell to an item that has been ever present in our home over the past eleven months (as evidenced by it's appearance in many pictures taken in our kitchen/dining room)--the pump. Today, I am going to return the rental pump to the lactation center at the hospital. We've been quite the team since bringing these babies home, my pump and me. While pumping has been my least favorite part of the breastfeeding deal, it's been a necessary part. I have a little portable number that will get me through the trip and the last few weeks of breastfeeding before the babies turn one (GRIEF, they're almost one?!?), so I figure that there is no need to keep paying for this puppy (and we'll be excited to have our counter space back).
We've had a love/hate kind of relationship, but the bottom line is that you've helped me feed these babies--and for that, I thank you, pump.
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