Our life with these two precious babies--what an adventure!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Girl's weekend away!

Whew, what a weekend! I got to spend this past weekend with one of my best friends at a beautiful resort overlooking the Chesapeake Bay, eating delicious food, reconnecting and having great conversation, swimming (which relieves all kind of pressure in the back and hip department, love it!), shopping, and being totally pampered at the spa. It was in a word: heaven.

This is where we stayed: the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa, and Marina in a little town called Cambridge, MD, just over the Bay Bridge. And it was in actuality as lovely as it is in the picture.

Let's talk more about the spa. We were there most of the day--I was treated to a Baby on Board Massage, a Baby on Board Facial, and a Signature Pedicure. First off--the massage--heaven. Daniel may have created a monster, because I might demand one semi-weekly from here on out. I'm pretty sure I nodded off while my masseuse Donna rubbed my back, and I'm pretty sure I snored myself awake. Classy spa behavior--but what can I say?! I'm pregnant.

Next up--facial. I don't get facials very often, but I'm telling you what--my skin feels and looks great. Again, spa-monster creation underway. And my facial wasn't only rubbing and applying of agents to my face--nooosireebob, it involved scalp massage, neck and shoulder massage, and massage and deep heated hydration of hands and footsies. Again, it was wonderful.

And the pedicure--my feet haven't looked or felt this good in a LONG time. They used Farm House Fresh products, including a superfine sea salt scrub (I like alliteration!), a honey butter hydrating glaze, and a sweet cream lotion...drool.

Overall--fantastic weekend. Thank you sweetie.

Sidenote: I feel like there has been lots of gushing about Daniel lately--which is kind of gaggy. But he deserves it. He planned this weekend away for Olivia and me--well done Daniel for thinking I needed a girl's weekend away, for putting it together, and for pulling it off, all without me knowing a thing about it. I had such an amazing time--it was great to get away with Liv for the weekend!

So, this week I had another doctor's appointment, this time with my actual doctor, Dr. Alice McKnight. And I tell you what, I like that woman a lot. She can deliver my babies any day...and hopefully she will! Anyway, I got to hear their little heartbeats (which took a few seconds to find, squirmy little devils), had my uterus measured, was weighed (YIKES), and had lots of good conversation with my doc. I also had blood taken for some additional testing for the babies (this time for spina bifida and a few other things--while everything looked fine in the ultrasound, the doc recommended we get it anyway). Dear Babies: take note of the things your mom is doing for you already!!

In good news, all is well with the babies!

This week, they each weigh just over 9 ounces and are roughly the size of a large heirloom tomato (who comes up with these vegetable classifications?!).

This picture gives good perspective...

but I like this picture better!

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